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عرض المشاركات من سبتمبر, 2018

Know more about hernia

HERNIA Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs through an abnormal opening in the wall of the cavity.A combination of increased pressure inside the body with weakness in the wall is responsible for this condition.In this condition internal organs or parts of organs are protruded out forming a swelling which will increase the size with coughing and lifting weight,and while passing stool and urine.In lying down position the swelling goes inside except in strangulated and irreducible hernia. Causes 1, Weakness in the body wall:-- a) Congenital weakness. b) Acquired weakness due to injuries,wasting of muscles,suppurative lesions in the wall and presence of weak natural openings,obesity,lack of exercise,repeated pregnancy. c) Surgical operation with improper suturing or sepsis of operated site. 2) Increased pressure inside the body.     a) Chronic constipation. b) Recurrent cough. c) Weight lifting. d) Stricture of...

Facts you must know about food poisoning

FOOD POISONING Food poisoning is an acute gastroenteritis caused by the consumption of a food material or a drink which contains the pathogenic micro organism or their toxins or poisonous chemicals.Food poisoning is common in hostels,hotels,communal feedings, and festivel seasons. A group of persons will be affected with same type of symptoms ,and they give a history of consumption of a common food before few hours. Types of food poisoning 1) Bacterial food poisoning: Here the micro organisms called bacteria are responsible.The food material may contain the pathogenic bacteriae or their toxin and will be ingested along with the food. 2) Non bacterial food poisoning: Due to the presence of toxic chemicals like fertilizers,insectisides,heavy metals and ect. Since bacterial food poisoning is common it is discussed here. Bacterial food poisoning: All bacteria are not harmful.There are some pathogenic bacteria which secrete toxins and cause ...


EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ON THE MEMBRANES  The parts which first suffer from alcohol are those expansions of the body which the anatomists call the membranes. "The skin is a membranous envelope. Through the whole of the alimentary surface, from the lips downward, and through the bronchial passages to their minutest ramifications, extends the mucous membrane. The lungs, the heart, the liver, the kidneys are folded in delicate membranes, which can be stripped easily from these parts. If you take a portion of bone, you will find it easy to strip off from it a membranous sheath or covering; if you examine a joint, you will find both the head and the socket lined with membranes. The whole of the intestines are enveloped in a fine membrane called  peritoneum . All the muscles are enveloped in membranes, and the fasciculi, or bundles and fibres of muscles, have their membranous sheathing. The brain and spinal cord are enveloped in three membranes; one nearest to themselves, a pure v...


EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ON THE BLOOD.   Dr. Richardson, in his lectures on alcohol, given both in England and America, speaking of the action of this substance on the blood after passing from the stomach, says:  "Suppose, then, a certain measure of alcohol be taken into the stomach, it will be absorbed there, but, previous to absorption, it will have to undergo a proper degree of dilution with water, for there is this peculiarity respecting alcohol when it is separated by an animal membrane from a watery fluid like the blood, that it will not pass through the membrane until it has become charged, to a given point of dilution, with water. It is itself, in fact,  so greedy for water, it will pick it up from watery textures, and deprive them of it until, by its saturation, its power of reception is exhausted , after which it will diffuse into the current of circulating fluid."  It is this power of absorbing water from every texture with which alcoholic sp...

Precautions to be taken while combing hair

Precautions to be taken while combing hair Hair combing is a routine activity of almost all people.Some people keep a particular hair style throughout their life and some especially younger generation adopt new styles according to new trends and fashion.Hair styles has got close relation with the personality of a person.The hair of an unhygeinic person is usually tangled and dirty because of lack of washing and combing.To have a healthy scalp hair proper nutrition is needed.General health has got direct relation with the quality and quantity of hair.Regular washing,use of hair oil,proper combing ect are also needed to make the hair beautiful.General hints for combing is discussed here. 1) Different varieties of combs are available in the market.The best comb is selected by considering the nature of hair(hard or soft,long or short) ,style and convenience.     2) Combing should be done with utmost care and concentration.Some people especially gents think about so...

Have You Ever Heard That You Can Detox Your Body Through Your Feet?

The Chinese reflexology system says that our feet have natural energy zones which are linked directly to important systems and organs in the body. This means that the body can be detoxified and cleaned of toxins through the feet and similar zones. Here are several ways in which you can detox your body through the feet: IONIC  FOOT BATH This method is similar to electrolysis, which uses electrical current to create a powerful chemical reaction. The warm water can open up your pores while the salt works like an anti-inflammatory agent. The ions from the bath are absorbed in the feet which detoxify the whole body. If the salt gets dark, it means that the method is working. Here are several great salt detox recipes: SALT DETOX RECIPE INGREDIENTS 1 cup sea salt 1 cup Epsom salts 2 cups baking soda PREPARATION Boil some water in a pot, then add all the ingredients in and leave them to boil for a bit. Now, fill your tub with warm water and add some ACV, then pour ...


WHAT IF THERE WAS A COMMON HOUSEHOLD SPICE THAT COULD REBUILD THE GUT WALL TO IMPROVE DIGESTION, DESTROY CANCER CELLS, STOP A HEART ATTACK IN ITS TRACKS AND WAS USEFUL FOR WEIGHT LOSS? I’M ASSUMING YOU’D WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IT, RIGHT? THE HOT FRUIT OF THE CAYENNE PLANT (“CAPSICUM ANNUUM”) HAS BEEN USED AS A SUPERB CULINARY SPICE FOR CENTURIES AND MAY BE THE MOST VALUABLE MEDICINAL HERB IN THE ENTIRE PLANT KINGDOM FOR MANY OF THE REASONS MENTIONED ABOVE ! High in vitamins A, C, B complex, calcium and potassium, studies have shown that cayenne can rebuild the tissue in the stomach and the peristaltic action in the intestines. Moreover, cayenne acts as a catalyst and increases the effectiveness of other herbs and alternative cancer treatments. Have you ever gone after the chips and salsa with gusto and then felt flushed while your nose started to run a little bit? Cayenne warms the body and stimulates the release of mucus from the respiratory passages. If you’ve ev...

5 علامات تفضح رغبة المرأة في ممارسة الجنس

هل المرأة تحتاج للجنس مثل الرجل؟ وهل هناك دلالات لإحتياجها للجنس؟ وكيف يعرف الرجل ذلك؟ ومتي تنفر المرأة من الجماع؟  فمن الغريب أنه في مجتمعاتنا العربية لا يستطيع الرجل أن يلاحظ أو يعرف إحتياجات زوجته الجنسية والكثير من الرجال يفكر في نفسه فقط ولا يفكر بالطرف الأخر من العلاقة التي لولاها ما كانت علاقة من الأساس وما كان هناك تواصل جنسي لأنه في كثير من الأحيان ترغب الزوجة بالجماع ولكن في مجتمعاتنا الشرقية تخجل المرأة من أخبار زوجها برغبتها في الجنس وعلي الرجل هنا أن يراعي إهتمامات زوجته وأن يلاحظ كيف تنظر إليه أو ترتدي إليه مثلاً وها هي بعد النصائح للزوج ليعرف دلالات إحتياج ورغبة المرأة في الجنس. عزيزي الرجل إذا إرتدت المرأة الملابس الداخلية المثيرة التي تكشف أكثر ما تستر فعليك أن تعرف أنها تريدك أن تمارس معها الجنس فلا تبخل عليها بذلك.  إذا جلست المرأة أمام زوجها وهي مباعدة بين ساقيها فلتعلم أيها الزوج أنها تقول لك هيا عزيزي فأنا في شوق لممارسة الجنس معك لأن المرأة في الغالب تجلس وهي تضم رجليها فعليك أيها الرجل أن تنتبه لذلك. إذا وقفت المرأة أمام المرآة وأخذت تداعب...

know more about Cerebral Palsy

CEREBRAL PALSY It is a non progressive neuromuscular disorder causing mild to severe disabilities throughout life.This condition is manifested as a group of persisting qualitative motor disorders which appear in young children due to damage to the brain during delivery or due to some pathological conditions in the intrauterine life.The neuroligical problems are multiple but non progressive in nature.Approximately 2 per 100 live birth is having this problem.This disease is having no hereditary tendency. Causes of cerebral palsy: 1) Injury to the brain during delivery. 2) As a complication of forceps delivery. 3) Lack of oxygen supply to the baby during delivery. 4) Infections during delivery. Signs and symptoms of cerebral palsy:-- The signs and symptoms may not be similar in all babies affected.Depending upon the damage to the brain there may be mild to severe lesions. Mild cases:- 20% children will have mild disability. Moderate cases...

Homoeopathy for bad breath

Homoeopathy  for bad breath Offenssive smell from the mouth is a common complaint in the day to day medical practice.It mainly affects those who mingle with others very closely. Bad breath is noticed mainly by the friends & family members or some times person himself feel it and come to the doctor.Many badbreathers develop depression which forces them to be away from the society which in turn hampers their activities.                                  The protein in the food debris are degraded by the anaerobic bacteria present in the mouth.Offenssive odor is produced due to release of  some gases like hydrogen sulphide,skatol ect due to bacterial activity.Formation of a thin sticky membrane on the tongue favoures bacterial growth.Bactrera are also seen in the crypts of tonsils ,dental caries,dental pockets ect.Bad breath is associated with oral hygiene,caries,gingivitis,tonsill...