التخطي إلى المحتوى الرئيسي


Texas de Brazil Churrascaria introduces its authentic churrasco and rodizio-style dining for the first time in Wisconsin today, opening at 5 p.m. tonight at Mayfair Mall, 2550 N. Mayfair Road in Wauwatosa.  Conveniently located just 20 minutes outside of Milwaukee, the family-owned Brazilian-American steakhouse is now available in 19 states and seven countries worldwide.

"We are proud to open our first Wisconsin churrascaria in the community of Wauwatosa and the dynamic Mayfair Mall location," says Salim Asrawi, Chief Operating Officer for the largest Brazilian-American steakhouse brand in the world. "It is always exciting to introduce new guests to our authentic churrasco and genuine service and we look forward to becoming an integral part of the community," he adds.
The Brazilian-American steakhouse is recognized for featuring a unique blend of Brazilian culture complemented by the generous hospitality of Texas.  The new 10,000 square-foot restaurant accommodates over 300 guests in an energetic environment that features an expansive salad area, an open grill kitchen, a feature table, wine cellar, an intimate lounge, private dining for up to 60 guests, and semi-private dining space.
Guests of Texas de Brazil enjoy a lively, upscale dining experience and engaging service.  Inside the colorful restaurant, guests begin dinner with a visit to the enticing salad area featuring over 50 hot and cold selections including Brazilian specialties such as Moqueca (Brazilian fish stew), freshly-prepared salads, charcuterie and imported cheeses, roasted vegetables, smoked salmon, creamy lobster bisque and much more. 
Renowned for its rodizio-style dining, guests are also treated to a continuous dining experience that showcases freshly-grilled meats on skewers carved tableside by costumed gauchos. Selections range from succulent picanha (sirloin), lamb chops, leg of lamb, filet mignon, chicken breasts wrapped in bacon, to Brazilian sausages and more.  At all Texas de Brazils, gauchos use the time-honored methods of grilling meats over charcoal, resulting in savory aroma and exceptional flavor.  When guests are ready to begin sampling the meats, a red and green disc on the table allows each to pace service. Green indicates to the gauchos when additional servings are welcome while red indicates a break is needed.  This style of service helps make the dining experience fit into a tight schedule or a relaxed and leisurely meal with friends, family, and business associates.
Decadent desserts are served a la carte for those with a sweet tooth, and an impressive wine collection features private label wines bottled exclusively for Texas de Brazil by Santa Rita Vineyards in Chile. Guests may also choose from an award-winning variety of labels from the world's top wineries or toast with signature cocktails including a traditional Caipirinha and an array of premium spirits and specialty libations.
Adult dinner costs: $42.99/Salad area only: $24.99; Children 6-12: 50% discount from dinner pricing; children 3-5: $5; 2 and under dine free. Prices do not include alcohol, featured items, desserts, beverages or applicable taxes. 
The restaurant is open for dinner Mon.-Thurs. 5-9:30 p.m.; Fri. 5 – 10 p.m.; Sat. 4-10 p.m.; Sun. 4-9 p.m. Happy Hour is featured Mon.-Fri. 4:30 – 7 p.m. and features a special bar menu plus drink specials including $3 domestic beer, $5 house wine and house cocktails, and $7 martinis.
Texas de Brazil is located at 2550 N. Mayfair Road, just 20 minutes from downtown Milwaukee in Mayfair Mall, a luxury shopping destination in Wauwatosa. 
For reservations, call 414-501-7100 or visit texasdebrazil.com.

About Texas de Brazil

Texas de Brazil is an authentic churrascaria featuring a continuous dining experience that blends the unique culture of Brazil, with the generous hospitality of Texas.  The menu features a vast selection of grilled meats, a 50-item salad area, an award-winning wine list and a la carte dessert selections. Founded as a family-owned business in 1998, Texas de Brazil now has 56 domestic and international locations. Stay connected. Follow @texasdebrazil on Instagram and Twitter and Texas de Brazil on Facebook. For information, visit https://texasdebrazil.com.


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