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How to enable account 2FA, get free Epic Games emote download

THE FORTNITE Boogie Down emote is being offered as a free download by Epic Games to those players willing to enable 2FA.

How to enable account 2FA, get free Epic Games emote download

Epic Games has made it their mission to try and improve security for Fortnite players, both with their accounts and when playing online.

This has included sending out warnings about malicious sites offering "free" V-Bucks, as well as those looking to share fake Android apps.

And the development team has provided the perfect way for fans of Fortnite Battle Royale to pick up a free cosmetic item this week, as well as improve their own account security.

The Boogie Down emote is currently available as a free download, if players are willing to enable 2FA.

Fortnite 2FA, or two-factor authentication, is a simple but effective way of protecting your Epic Games account.

By enabling 2FA, players can lose their password to a hacker and still have another line of defence before their account is breached.

This is where the two-factor part of your protection comes in, which usually means the second layer of password protection which has been enabled.

This comes in the form of a pin being sent to your phone or email account, or a known key that adds another layer of security.

And it appears that Epic Games is rather keen on its players enabling the security measure while using their accounts.

Players have no doubt seen emails pop up warning them of people trying to access their accounts, with 2FA another way to make sure your information stays safe.

How to enable account 2FA, get free Epic Games emote download

Here’s more about 2FA from Epic Games, who confirm: “If you opt in to the 2FA feature, each time you sign in using your password, you’ll receive a security code that is good for one use, over a short period of time.

“The security code will be sent to you through the verification method that you selected in your account settings.

“Currently, 2FA security codes can be received through either an authentication app or via your Epic Games email address.”


To enable 2FA and earn the Boogie Down emote for free, players will need to head over to the official Epic Games website and access your account.

When you have provided your name and password, you will need to click the security tab, where it’s possible to change your password.

You can also scroll down and look at the two 2FA options available to use for Fortnite Battle Royale, which includes using an Authentication App, or an email password.

AUTHENTICATOR APP: Use an Authenticator App as your Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) when you sign in you'll be required to use the security code provided by your Authenticator App. To enable this service email address verification is required.

EMAIL AUTHENTICATION: You will need to verify your email address to enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).To enable this service email address verification is required.

After completing one of these steps, the Fortnite Boogie Down emote should be available to unlock and equip in your Battle Royale loadout screen.


When you go to sign in, you’ll be asked to enter the security code from your preferred 2FA method (email or app). After doing so, you’ll be signed into your account. You’ll be prompted for a 2FA security code in the following situations:

a) The first time you sign in after enabling the feature.

b) If you sign in using a new device.

c) If it’s been over 30 days since you last signed in.

d) If you recently cleared your browser cookies.

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